Part Assemblies, AMR, Slide Surfaces, Nodesets and Other Arbitrary Mesh Subsets

This section of the API manual describes Mesh Region Grouping (MRG) trees and Groupel Maps. MRG trees describe the decomposition of a mesh into various regions such as parts in an assembly, materials (even mixing materials), element blocks, processor pieces, nodesets, slide surfaces, boundary conditions, etc. Groupel maps describe the, problem sized, details of the subsetted regions. MRG trees and groupel maps work hand-in-hand in efficiently (and scalably) characterizing the various subsets of a mesh.

MRG trees are associated with (e.g. bound to) the mesh they describe using the DBOPT_MRGTREE_NAME optlist option in the DBPutXxxmesh() calls. MRG trees are used both to describe a multi-mesh object and then again, to describe individual pieces of the multi-mesh.

In addition, once an MRG tree has been defined for a mesh, variables to be associated with the mesh can be defined on only specific subsets of the mesh using the DBOPT_REGION_PNAMES optlist option in the DBPutXxxvar() calls.

Because MRG trees can be used to represent a wide variety of subsetting functionality and because applications have still to gain experience using MRG trees to describe their subsetting applications, the methods defined here are design to be as free-form as possible with few or no limitations on, for example, naming conventions of the various types of subsets. It is simply impossible to know a priori all the different ways in which applications may wish to apply MRG trees to construct subsetting information.

For this reason, where a specific application of MRG trees is desired (to represent materials for example), we document the naming convention an application must use to affect the representation.


  • Summary: Create and initialize an empty mesh region grouping tree

  • C Signature:

    DBmrgtree *DBMakeMrgtree(int mesh_type, int info_bits,
        int max_children, DBoptlist const *opts)
  • Fortran Signature:

    integer function dbmkmrgtree(mesh_type, info_bits, max_children, optlist_id,

    returns handle to newly created tree in tree_id.

  • Arguments:

    Arg name



    The type of mesh object the MRG tree will be associated with. An example would be DB_MULTIMESH, DB_QUADMESH, DB_UCDMESH.




    Maximum number of immediate children of the root.


    Additional options

  • Returned value:

    A pointer to a new DBmrgtree object on success and NULL on failure

  • Description:

    This function creates a Mesh Region Grouping (MRG) tree used to define different regions in a mesh.

    An MRG tree is used to describe how a mesh is composed of regions such as materials, parts in an assembly, levels in an adaptive refinement hierarchy, nodesets, slide surfaces, boundary conditions, as well as many other kinds of regions. An example is shown in Figure 0-8 on page.

    Figure 0-8: Example of MRGTree

    In a multi-mesh setting, an MRG tree describing all of the subsets of the mesh is associated with the top-level multimesh object. In addition, separate MRG trees representing the relevant portions of the top-level MRG tree are also associated with each block.

    MRG trees can be used to describe a wide variety of subsets of a mesh. In the paragraphs below, we outline the use of MRG trees to describe a variety of common subsetting scenarios. In some cases, a specific naming convention is required to fully specify the subsetting scenario.

    The paragraphs below describe how to utilize an MRG tree to describe various common kinds of decompositions and subsets.

    Multi-Block Grouping (obsoletes DBOPT_GROUPING options for DBPutMultimesh, and _visit_domain_groups convention.

    A multi-block grouping is the assignment of the blocks of a multi-block mesh (e.g. the mesh objects created with DBPutXxxmesh() calls and enumerated by name in a DBPutMultimesh() call) to one of several groups. Each group in the grouping represents several blocks of the multi-block mesh. Historically, support for such a grouping in Silo has been limited in a couple of ways. First, only a single grouping could be defined for a multi-block mesh. Second, the grouping could not be hierarchically defined. MRG trees, however, support both multiple groupings and hierarchical groupings.

    In the MRG tree, define a child node of the root named “groupings.” All desired groupings shall be placed under this node in the tree.

    For each desired grouping, define a groupel map where the number of segments of the map is equal to the number of desired groups. Map segment i will be of groupel type DB_BLOCKCENT and will enumerate the blocks to be assigned to group i. Next, add regions (either an array of regions or one at a time) to the MRG tree, one region for each group and specify the groupel map name and other map parameters to be associated with these regions.

    Figure 0-9: Examples of MRG trees for single and multiple groupings.

    In the diagram above, for the multiple grouping case, two groupel map objects are defined; one for each grouping. For the ‘A’ grouping, the groupel map consists of 4 segments (all of which are of groupel type DB_BLOCKCENT) one for each grouping in ‘side’, ‘top’, ‘bottom’ and ‘front.’ Each segment identifies the blocks of the multi-mesh (at the root of the MRG tree) that are in each of the 4 groups. For the ‘B’ grouping, the groupel map consists of 2 segments (both of type DB_BLOCKCENT), for each grouping in ‘skinny’ and ‘fat’. Each segment identifies the blocks of the multi-mesh that are in each group.

    If, in addition to defining which blocks are in which groups, an application wishes to specify specific nodes and/or zones of the group that comprise each block, additional groupel maps of type DB_NODECENT or DB_ZONECENT are required. However, because such groupel maps are specified in terms of nodes and/or zones, these groupel maps need to be defined on an MRG tree that is associated with an individual mesh block. Nonetheless, the manner of representation is analogous.

    Multi-Block Neighbor Connectivity (obsoletes DBPutMultimeshadj):

    Multi-block neighbor connectivity information describes the details of how different blocks of a multi-block mesh abut with shared nodes and/or adjacent zones. For a given block, multi-block neighbor connectivity information lists the blocks that share nodes (or have adjacent zones) with the given block and then, for each neighboring block, also lists the specific shared nodes (or adjacent zones).

    If the underlying mesh type is structured (e.g. DBPutQuadmesh() calls were used to create the individual mesh blocks), multi-block neighbor connectivity information can be scalably represented entirely at the multi-block level in an MRG tree. Otherwise, it cannot and it must be represented at the individual block level in the MRG tree. This section will describe both scenarios. Note that these scenarios were previously handled with the now deprecated DBPutMultimeshadj() call. That call, however, did not have favorable scalaing behavior for the unstructured case.

    The first step in defining multi-block connectivity information is to define a top-level MRG tree node named “neighbors.” Underneath this point in the MRG tree, all the information identifying multi-block connectivity will be added.

    Next, create a groupel map with number of segments equal to the number of blocks. Segment i of the map will by of type DB_BLOCKCENT and will enumerate the neighboring blocks of block i. Next, in the MRG tree define a child node of the root named “neighborhoods”. Underneath this node, define an array of regions, one for each block of the multiblock mesh and associate the groupel map with this array of regions.

    For the structured grid case, define a second groupel map with number of segments equal to the number of blocks. Segment i of the map will be of type DB_NODECENT and will enumerate the slabs of nodes block i shares with each of its neighbors in the same order as those neighbors are listed in the previous groupel map. Thus, segment i of the map will be of length equal to the number of neighbors of block i times 6 (2 ijk tuples specifying the lower and upper bounds of the slab of shared nodes).

    For the unstructured case, it is necessary to store groupel maps that enumerate shared nodes between shared blocks on MRG trees that are associated with the individual blocks and not the multi-block mesh itself. However, the process is otherwise the same.

    In the MRG tree to be associated with a given mesh block, create a child of the root named “neighbors.” For each neighboring block of the given mesh block, define a groupel map of type DB_NODECENT, enumerating the nodes in the current block that are shared with another block (or of type DB_ZONECENT enumerating the nodes in the current block that abut another block). Underneath this node in the MRG tree, create a region representing each neighboring block of the given mesh block and associate the appropriate groupel map with each region.

    Multi-Block, Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement:

    In a structured AMR setting, each AMR block (typically called a “patch” by the AMR community), is written by a DBPutQuadmesh() call. A DBPutMultimesh() call groups all these blocks together, defining all the individual blocks of mesh that comprise the complete AMR mesh.

    An MRG tree, or portion thereof, is used to define which blocks of the multi-block mesh comprise which levels in the AMR hierarchy as well as which blocks are refinements of other blocks.

    First, the grouping of blocks into levels is identical to multi-block grouping, described previously. For the specific purpose of grouping blocks into levels, a different top-level node in the MRG needs to be defined named “amr-levels.” Below this node in the MRG tree, there should be a set of regions, each region representing a separate refinement level. A groupel map of type DB_BLOCKCENT with number of segments equal to number of levels needs to be defined and associated with each of the regions defined under the “amr-levels’ region. The ith segment of the map will enumerate those blocks that belong to the region representing level i. In addition, an MRG variable defining the refinement ratios for each level named “amr-ratios” must be defined on the regions defining the levels of the AMR mesh.

    For the specific purpose of identifying which blocks of the multi-block mesh are refinements of a given block, another top-level region node is added to the MRG tree called “amr-refinements”. Below the “amr-refinements” region node, an array of regions representing each block in the multi-block mesh should be defined. In addition, define a groupel map with a number of segments equal to the number of blocks. Map segment i will be of groupel type DB_BLOCKCENT and will define all those blocks which are immediate refinements of block i. Since some blocks, with finest resolution do not have any refinements, the map segments defining the refinements for these blocks will be of zero length.


  • Summary: Add a region to an MRG tree

  • C Signature:

    int DBAddRegion(DBmrgtree *tree, char const *reg_name,
        int info_bits, int max_children, char const *maps_name,
        int nsegs, int const *seg_ids, int const *seg_lens,
        int const *seg_types, DBoptlist const *opts)
  • Fortran Signature:

    integer function dbaddregion(tree_id, reg_name, lregname, info_bits,
       max_children, maps_name, lmaps_name, nsegs, seg_ids, seg_lens,
       seg_types, optlist_id, status)
  • Arguments:

    Arg name



    The MRG tree object to add a region to.


    The name of the new region.




    Maximum number of immediate children this region will have.


    [OPT] Name of the groupel map object to associate with this region. Pass NULL if none.


    [OPT] Number of segments in the groupel map object specified by the maps_name argument that are to be associated with this region. Pass zero if none.


    [OPT] Integer array of length nsegs of groupel map segment ids. Pass NULL (0) if none.


    [OPT] Integer array of length nsegs of groupel map segment lengths. Pass NULL (0) if none.


    [OPT] Integer array of length nsegs of groupel map segment element types. Pass NULL (0) if none. These types are the same as the centering options for variables; DB_ZONECENT, DB_NODECENT, DB_EDGECENT, DB_FACECENT and DB_BLOCKCENT (for the blocks of a multimesh)


    [OPT] Additional options. Pass NULL (0) if none.

  • Returned value:

    A positive number on success; -1 on failure

  • Description:

    Adds a single region node to an MRG tree below the current working region (See DBSetCwr).

    If you need to add a large number of similarly purposed region nodes to an MRG tree, consider using the more efficient DBAddRegionArray() function although it does have some limitations with respect to the kinds of groupel maps it can reference.

    A region node in an MRG tree can represent either a specific region, a group of regions or both all of which are determined by actual use by the application.

    Often, a region node is introduced to an MRG tree to provide a separate namespace for regions to be defined below it. For example, to define material decompositions of a mesh, a region named “materials” is introduced as a top-level region node in the MRG tree. Note that in so doing, the region node named “materials” does not really represent a distinct region of the mesh. In fact, it represents the union of all material regions of the mesh and serves as a place to define one, or more, material decompositions.

    Because MRG trees are a new feature in Silo, their use in applications is not fully defined and the implementation here is designed to be as free-form as possible, to permit the widest flexibility in representing regions of a mesh. At the same time, in order to convey the semantic meaning of certain kinds of information in an MRG tree, a set of pre-defined region names is described below.

    Region Naming Convention



    Top-level region below which material decomposition information is defined. There can be multiple material decompositions, if so desired. Each such decomposition would be rooted at a region named “material_” underneath the “materials” region node.


    Top-level region below which multi-block grouping information is defined. There can be multiple groupings, if so desired. Each such grouping would be rooted at a region named “grouping_” underneath the “groupings” region node.


    Top-level region below which Adaptive Mesh Refinement level groupings are defined.


    Top-level region below which Adaptive Mesh Refinment refinement information is defined. This where the information indicating which blocks are refinements of other blocks is defined.


    Top-level region below which multi-block adjacency information is defined.

    When a region is being defined in an MRG tree to be associated with a multi-block mesh, often the groupel type of the maps associated with the region are of type DB_BLOCKCENT.


  • Summary: Efficiently add multiple, like-kind regions to an MRG tree

  • C Signature:

    int DBAddRegionArray(DBmrgtree *tree, int nregn,
        char const * const *regn_names, int info_bits,
        char const *maps_name, int nsegs, int const *seg_ids,
        int const *seg_lens, int const *seg_types,
        DBoptlist const *opts)
  • Fortran Signature:

    integer function dbaddregiona(tree_id, nregn, regn_names, 	lregn_names,
       info_bits, maps_name, lmaps_name, nsegs, 	seg_ids, seg_lens,
       seg_types, optlist_id, status)
  • Arguments:

    Arg name



    The MRG tree object to add the regions to.


    The number of regions to add.


    This is either an array of nregn pointers to character string names for each region or it is an array of 1 pointer to a character string specifying a printf-style naming scheme for the regions. The existence of a percent character (‘%’) (used to introduce conversion specifications) anywhere in regn_names[0] will indicate the latter mode.The latter mode is almost always preferable, especially if nergn is large (say more than 100). See below for the format of the printf-style naming string.




    [OPT] Name of the groupel maps object to be associated with these regions. Pass NULL (0) if none.


    [OPT] The number of groupel map segments to be associated with each region. Note, this is a per-region value. Pass 0 if none.


    [OPT] Integer array of length nsegs*nregn groupel map segment ids. The first nsegs ids are associated with the first region. The second nsegs ids are associated with the second region and so fourth. In cases where some regions will have fewer than nsegs groupel map segments associated with them, pass -1 for the corresponding segment ids. Pass NULL (0) if none.


    [OPT] Integer array of length nsegs*nregn indicating the lengths of each of the groupel maps. In cases where some regions will have fewer than nsegs groupel map segments associated with them, pass 0 for the corresponding segment lengths. Pass NULL (0) if none.


    [OPT] Integer array of length nsegs*nregn specifying the groupel types of each segment. In cases where some regions will have fewer than nsegs groupel map segments associated with them, pass 0 for the corresponding segment lengths. Pass NULL (0) if none.


    [OPT] Additional options. Pass NULL (0) if none.

  • Returned value:

    A positive number on success; -1 on failure

  • Description:

    Use this function instead of DBAddRegion() when you have a large number of similarly purposed regions to add to an MRG tree AND you can deal with the limitations of the groupel maps associated with these regions.

    The key limitation of the groupel map associated with a region created with DBAddRegionArray() array and a groupel map associated with a region created with DBAddRegion() is that every region in the region array must reference nseg map segments (some of which can of course be of zero length).

    Adding a region array is a substantially more efficient way to add regions to an MRG tree than adding them one at a time especially when a printf-style naming convention is used to specify the region names.

    The existence of a percent character (‘%’) anywhere in regn_names[0] indicates that a printf-style namescheme is to be used. The format of a printf-style namescheme to specify region names is described in the documentation of DBMakeNamescheme() (See DBMakeNamescheme)

    Note that the names of regions within an MRG tree are not required to obey the same variable naming conventions as ordinary Silo objects (See DBVariableNameValid.) except that MRG region names can in no circumstance contain either a semi-colon character (‘;’) or a new-line character (‘\n’).


  • Summary: Set the current working region for an MRG tree

  • C Signature:

    int DBSetCwr(DBmrgtree *tree, char const *path)
  • Fortran Signature:

    integer function dbsetcwr(tree, path, lpath)
  • Arguments:

    Arg name



    The MRG tree object.


    The path to set.

  • Returned value:

    Positive, depth in tree, on success, -1 on failure.

  • Description:

    Sets the current working region of the MRG tree. The concept of the current working region is completely analogous to the current working directory of a file system.


    Currently, this method is limited to settings up or down the MRG tree just one level. That is, it will work only when the path is the name of a child of the current working region or is “..”. This limitation will be relaxed in a future release.


  • Summary: Get the current working region of an MRG tree

  • C Signature:

    char const *GetCwr(DBmrgtree *tree)
  • Arguments:

    Arg name



    The MRG tree.

  • Returned value:

    A pointer to a string representing the name of the current working region (not the full path name, just current region name) on success; NULL (0) on failure.


  • Summary: Write a completed MRG tree object to a Silo file

  • C Signature:

    int DBPutMrgtree(DBfile *file, const char const *name,
        char const *mesh_name, DBmrgtree const *tree,
        DBoptlist const *opts)
  • Fortran Signature:

    int dbputmrgtree(dbid, name, lname, mesh_name,
       lmesh_name, tree_id, optlist_id, status)
  • Arguments:

    Arg name



    The Silo file handle


    The name of the MRG tree object in the file.


    The name of the mesh the MRG tree object is associated with.


    The MRG tree object to write.


    [OPT] Additional options. Pass NULL (0) if none.

  • Returned value:

    Positive or zero on success, -1 on failure.

  • Description:

    After using DBPutMrgtree to write the MRG tree to a Silo file, the MRG tree object itself must be freed using DBFreeMrgtree().


  • Summary: Read an MRG tree object from a Silo file

  • C Signature:

    DBmrgtree *DBGetMrgtree(DBfile *file, const char *name)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg name



    The Silo database file handle


    The name of the MRG tree object in the file.

  • Returned value:

    A pointer to a DBmrgtree object on success; NULL (0) on failure.


  • Summary: Free the memory associated by an MRG tree object

  • C Signature:

    void DBFreeMrgtree(DBmrgtree *tree)
  • Fortran Signature:

    integer function dbfreemrgtree(tree_id)
  • Arguments:

    Arg name



    The MRG tree object to free.

  • Returned value:


  • Description:

    Frees all the memory associated with an MRG tree.


  • Summary: Create a DBnamescheme object for on-demand name generation

  • C Signature:

    DBnamescheme *DBMakeNamescheme(const char *ns_str, ...)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg name



    The namescheme string as described below.


    The remaining arguments take various forms. See description below.

  • Description:

    The remaining arguments after ns_str take one of three forms depending on how the caller wants external array references, if any are present in the format substring of ns_str to be handled.

    In the first form, the format substring of ns_str involves no externally referenced arrays and so there are no additional arguments other than the ns_str string itself.

    In the second form, the caller has all externally referenced arrays needed in the format substring of ns_str already in memory and simply passes their pointers here as the remaining arguments in the same order in which they appear in the format substring of ns_str. The arrays are bound to the returned namescheme object and should not be freed until after the caller is done using the returned namescheme object. In this case, DBFreeNamescheme() does not free these arrays and the caller is required to explicitly free them.

    In the third form, the caller makes a request for the Silo library to find in a given file, read and bind to the returned namescheme object all externally referenced arrays in the format substring of ns_str. To achieve this, the caller passes a 3-tuple of the form (void*) 0, (DBfile*) file, (char*) mbobjpath as the remaining arguments. The initial (void*)0 is required. The (DBfile*)file is the database handle of the Silo file in which all externally referenced arrays exist. The third (char*)mbobjpath, which may be NULL, is the path within the file, either relative to the file’s current working directory, or absolute, at which the multi-block object holding the ns_str was found in the file. All necessary externally referenced arrays must exist within the specified file using either relative paths from multi-block object’s home directory or the file’s current working directory or absolute paths. In this case DBFreeNamescheme() also frees memory associated with these arrays.

    A namescheme defines a mapping between the non-negative integers (e.g. the natural numbers) and a sequence of strings such that each string to be associated with a given integer (n) can be generated on the fly from printf-style formatting involving simple expressions. Nameschemes are most often used to define names of regions in region arrays or to define names of multi-block objects. The format of a printf-style namescheme is as follows…

    The first character of ns_str is treated as the delimiter character definition. Wherever this delimiter character appears (except as the first character), this will indicate the end of one substring within ns_str and the beginning of a next substring. The delimiter character cannot be any of the characters used in the expression language (see below) for defining expressions to generate names of a namescheme. The delimiter character divides ns_str into one or more substrings.

    The first substring of ns_strs (that is the characters from position 1 to the first delimiter character after its definition at index 0) will contain the complete printf-style format string the namescheme will generate. The remaining substrings will contain simple expressions, one for each conversion specifier found in the format substring, which when evaluated will be used as the corresponding argument in an sprintf call to generate the actual name, when and if needed, on demand.

    The expression language for building up the arguments to be used along with the printf-style format string is pretty simple.

    It supports the ‘+’, ‘-’, ‘*’, ‘/’, ‘%’ (modulo), ‘|’, ‘&’, ‘^’ integer operators and a variant of the question-mark-colon operator, ‘? : :’ which requires an extra, terminating colon.

    It supports grouping via ‘(’ and ‘)’ characters.

    It supports grouping of characters into arbitrary strings via the single quote character (‘). Any characters appearing between enclosing single quotes are treated as a literal string suitable for an argument to be associated with a %s-type conversion specifier in the format string.

    It supports references to external, integer valued arrays introduced via a ‘#’ character appearing before an array’s name and external, string valued arrays introduced via a ‘$’ character appearing before an array’s name.

    Finally, the special operator ‘n’ appearing in an expression represents a natural number within the sequence of names (zero-origin index).

    Except for singly quoted strings which evaluate to a literal string suitable for output via a %s type conversion specifier, and $-type external array references which evaluate to an external string, all other expressions are treated as evaluating to integer values suitable for any of the integer conversion specifiers (%[ouxXdi]) which may be used in the format substring.

    Here are some examples…


    The delimiter character is |. The format substring is slide_%s. The expression substring for the argument to the first (and only in this case) conversion specifier (%s) is (n%2)?'leader':'follower': When this expression is evaluated for a given region, the region’s natural number will be inserted for n. The modulo operation with 2 will be applied. If that result is non-zero, the ?:: expression will evaluate to 'leader'. Otherwise, it will evaluate to 'follower'. Note there is also a terminating colon for the ?:: operator. This naming scheme might be useful for an array of regions representing, alternately, the two halves of a contact surface. Note also for the ?:: operator, the caller can assume that only the sub-expression corresponding to the whichever half of the operator is satisfied is actually evaluated.


    The delimiter character is H. The format substring is block_%02dx%02d. The expression substring for the argument to the first conversion specifier (%02d) is n/256. The expression substring for the argument to the second conversion specifier (also %02d) is n%16. When this expression is evaluated, the region’s natural number will be inserted for n and the div and mod operators will be evaluated. This naming scheme might be useful for a region array of 256 regions to be named as a 2D array of regions with names like “block_09x11”.


    The delimiter character is @. The format substring is domain_%03d. The expression substring for the argument to the one and only conversion specifier is n. When this expression is evaluated, the region’s natural number is inserted for n. This results in names like “domain_000”, “domain_001”, etc.


    This is just like the case above except that region names begin with “domain_001” instead of “domain_000”. This might be useful to deal with different indexing origins; Fortran vs. C.


    The delimiter character is |. The format substring is foo_%03dx%03d. The expression substring for the first argument is an external array reference #P[n] where the index into the array is just the natural number, n. The expression substring for the second argument is another external array reference, #U[n%4] where the index is an expression n%4 on the natural number n.

    If the caller is handling externally referenced arrays explicitly, because P is the first externally referenced array in the format string, a pointer to P must be the first to appear in the ... list of additional args to DBMakeNamescheme. Similarly, because U appears as the second externally referenced array in the format string, a pointer to U must appear second in the ... as in DBMakeNamescheme("|foo_%03dx%03d|#P[n]|#U[n%4]", P, U)

    Alternatively, if the caller wants the Silo library to find P and U in a Silo file, read the arrays from the file and bind them into the namescheme automatically, then P and U must be simple arrays in the current working directory of the file that is passed in as the 3-tuple "(int) 0, (DBfile *) dbfile, 0" in the ... argument to DBMakeNamescheme as in DBMakeNamescheme("|foo_%03dx%03d|#P[n]|#U[n%4]", 0, dbfile, 0).

    Use DBFreeNamescheme() to free up the space associated with a namescheme. Also note that there are numerous examples of nameschemes in “tests/nameschemes.c” in the Silo source release tarball.


  • Summary: Generate a name from a DBnamescheme object

  • C Signature:

    char const *DBGetName(DBnamescheme *ns, long long natnum)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg name



    Natural number of the entry in a namescheme to be generated. Must be greater than or equal to zero.

  • Returned value:

    A string representing the generated name. The returned string should not be free’d by the caller. If there are problems with the namescheme, the string could be of length zero (e.g. the first character is a null terminator).

  • Description:

    Once a namescheme has been created via DBMakeNamescheme, this function can be used to generate names at will from the namescheme. The caller must not free the returned string.

    Silo maintains a tiny circular buffer of (32) names constructed and returned by this function so that multiple evaluations in the same expression do not wind up overwriting each other. A call to DBGetName(0,0) will free up all memory associated with this tiny circular buffer.


  • Summary: Reverse engineer a name from a namescheme to obtain field indices

  • C Signature:

    long long DBGetIndex(char const *dbns_name_str, int field, int base)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg name



    An arbitrary string but most commonly with one or more substring fields consisting entirely of digits (in an arbitrary base numbering system) representing different fields generated from various conversion specifiers in a namescheme.


    Of the various substrings of digits, numbered starting at zero from left to right in dbns_name_str, this argument selects which of the digit substrings is to be processed


    The numeric base to use to interpret the digit substring field passed to strtoll(). Passing 0 (to let strtoll automatically determine base) is ok but potentially risky.

  • Returned value:

    A field’s converted value on success; LLONG_MAX on failure.

  • Description:

Nameschemes often generate names of the form foo_0050.0210.silo. Sometimes, it is useful to obtain the decimal values of the numbered fields in such a string. Calling DBGetIndex("foo_0050.0210.silo", 0, 10) will retrieve the first digit field, “0050”, and convert it to a decimal number using a number base of 10. Calling DBGetIndex("foo_0050.0210.silo", 1, 10) will retrieve the second digit field, “0210”, and convert it to a decimal number using a number base of 10.

Passing a base of 0 is allowed but may also result in unintended outcomes. In the example string, foo_0050.0210.silo, calling DBGetIndex("foo_0050.0210.silo", 0, 0) will return 40, not 50. This is because a leading 0 is interpreted as an octal number.

In the string block_030x021.silo (which could have the interpretation of a block at 2D index [30,21] in a 2D arrangement of blocks), the 0x021 will be interpreted as a digit field in hexadecimal format which may not have been the intention. The solution is to ensure the string has characters separating fields that are not also interpreted as part of an integer constant in the C programming language.


  • Summary: Write variable data to be associated with (some) regions in an MRG tree

  • C Signature:

    int DBPutMrgvar(DBfile *file, char const *name,
        char const *mrgt_name,
        int ncomps, char const * const *compnames,
        int nregns, char const * const *reg_pnames,
        int datatype, void const * const *data,
        DBoptlist const *opts)
  • Fortran Signature:

    integer function dbputmrgv(dbid, name, lname, mrgt_name,
       lmrgt_name, ncomps, compnames, lcompnames, nregns, reg_names,
       lreg_names, datatype, data_ids, optlist_id, status)

    character*N compnames (See dbset2dstrlen)

    character*N reg_names (See dbset2dstrlen)

    int* data_ids (use [dbmkptr]( to get id for each pointer)

  • Arguments:

    Arg name



    Silo database file handle.


    Name of this mrgvar object.


    name of the mrg tree this variable is associated with.


    An integer specifying the number of variable components.


    [OPT] Array of ncomps pointers to character strings representing the names of the individual components. Pass NULL(0) if no component names are to be specified.


    The number of regions this variable is being written for.


    Array of nregns pointers to strings representing the pathnames of the regions for which the variable is being written. If nregns>1 and reg_pnames[1]==NULL, it is assumed that reg_pnames[i]=NULL for all i>0 and reg_pnames[0] contains either a printf-style naming convention for all the regions to be named or, if reg_pnames[0] is found to contain no printf-style conversion specifications, it is treated as the pathname of a single region in the MRG tree that is the parent of all the regions for which attributes are being written.


    Array of ncomps pointers to variable data. The pointer, data[i] points to an array of nregns values of type datatype.


    Additional options.

  • Returned value:

    Zero on success; -1 on failure.

  • Description:

    Sometimes, it is necessary to associate variable data with regions in an MRG tree. This call allows an application to associate variable data with a bunch of different regions in one of several ways all of which are determined by the contents of the reg_pnames argument.

    Variable data can be associated with all of the immediate children of a given region. This is the most common case. In this case, reg_pnames[0] is the name of the parent region and reg_pnames[i] is set to NULL for all i>0.

    Alternatively, variable data can be associated with a bunch of regions whose names conform to a common, printf-style naming scheme. This is typical of regions created with the DBPutRegionArray() call. In this case, reg_pnames[0] is the name of the parent region and reg_pnames[i] is set to NULL for all i>0 and, in addition, reg_pnames[0] is a specially formatted, printf-style string, for naming the regions. See DBAddRegionArray. for a discussion of the regn_names argument format.

    Finally, variable data can be associated with a bunch of arbitrarily named regions. In this case, each region’s name must be explicitly specified in the reg_pnames array.

    Because MRG trees are a new feature in Silo, their use in applications is not fully defined and the implementation here is designed to be as free-form as possible, to permit the widest flexibility in representing regions of a mesh. At the same time, in order to convey the semantic meaning of certain kinds of information in an MRG tree, a set of pre-defined MRG variables is descirbed below.

    Variable Naming Convention



    An integer variable of 3 components defining the refinement ratios (rx, ry, rz) for an AMR mesh. Typically, the refinement ratios can be specified on a level-by-level basis. In this case, this variable should be defined for nregns=<# of levels> on the level regions underneath the “amr-levels” grouping. However, if refinment ratios need to be defined on an individual patch basis instead, this variable should be defined on the individual patch regions under the “amr-refinements” groupings.


    An integer variable of 3 components defined on the individual blocks of a multi-block mesh defining the orientations of the individual blocks in a large, ijk indexing space (Ares convention)


    A double precision variable defining the block-by-block extents of a multi-block variable. If ==”coords”, then it defines the spatial extents of the mesh itself. Note, this convention obsoletes the DBOPT_XXX_EXTENTS options on DBPutMultivar/DBPutMultimesh calls.

    Don’t forget to associate the resulting region variable object(s) with the MRG tree by using the DBOPT_MRGV_ONAMES and DBOPT_MRGV_RNAMES options in the DBPutMrgtree() call.


  • Summary: Retrieve an MRG variable object from a silo file

  • C Signature:

    DBmrgvar *DBGetMrgvar(DBfile *file, char const *name)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg name



    Silo database file handle.


    The name of the region variable object to retrieve.

  • Returned value:

    A pointer to a DBmrgvar object on success; NULL (0) on failure.


  • Summary: Write a groupel map object to a Silo file

  • C Signature:

    int DBPutGroupelmap(DBfile *file, char const *name,
        int num_segs, int const *seg_types, int const *seg_lens,
        int const *seg_ids, int const * const *seg_data,
        void const * const *seg_fracs, int fracs_type,
        DBoptlist const *opts)
  • Fortran Signature:

    integer function dbputgrplmap(dbid, name, lname, num_segs,
       seg_types, seg_lens, seg_ids, seg_data_ids, seg_fracs_ids, fracs_type,
       optlist_id, status)

    integer* seg_data_ids (use dbmkptr to get id for each pointer) integer* seg_fracs_ids (use dbmkptr to get id for each pointer)

  • Arguments:

    Arg name



    The Silo database file handle.


    The name of the groupel map object in the file.


    The number of segments in the map.


    Integer array of length nsegs indicating the groupel type associated with each segment of the map; one of DB_BLOCKCENT, DB_NODECENT, DB_ZONECENT, DB_EDGECENT, DB_FACECENT.


    Integer array of length nsegs indicating the length of each segment


    [OPT] Integer array of length nsegs indicating the identifier to associate with each segment. By default, segment identifiers are 0…negs-1. If default identifiers are sufficient, pass NULL (0) here. Otherwise, pass an explicit list of integer identifiers.


    The groupel map data, itself. An array of nsegs pointers to arrays of integers where array seg_data[i] is of length seg_lens[i].


    [OPT] Array of nsegs pointers to floating point values indicating fractional inclusion for the associated groupels. Pass NULL (0) if fractional inclusions are not required. If, however, fractional inclusions are required but on only some of the segments, pass an array of pointers such that if segment i has no fractional inclusions, seg_fracs[i]=NULL(0). Fractional inclusions are useful for, among other things, defining groupel maps involving mixing materials.


    [OPT] data type of the fractional parts of the segments. Ignored if seg_fracs is NULL (0).


    Additional options

  • Returned value:

    Zero on success; -1 on failure.

  • Description:

    By itself, an MRG tree is not sufficient to fully characterize the decomposition of a mesh into various regions. The MRG tree serves only to identify the regions and their relationships in gross terms. This frees MRG trees from growing linearly (or worse) with problem size.

    All regions in an MRG tree are ultimately defined, in detail, by enumerating a primitive set of Grouping Elements (groupels) that comprise the regions. A groupel map is the object used for this purpose. The problem-sized information needed to fully characterize the regions of a mesh is stored in groupel maps.

    The grouping elements or groupels are the individual pieces of mesh which, when enumerated, define specific regions.

    For a multi-mesh object, the groupels are whole blocks of the mesh. For Silo’s other mesh types such as ucd or quad mesh objects, the groupels can be nodes (0d), zones (2d or 3d depending on the mesh dimension), edges (1d) and faces (2d).

    The groupel map concept is best illustrated by example. Here, we will define a groupel map for the material case illustrated in Figure 0-6.

    Figure 0-10: Example of using groupel map for (mixing) materials.

    In the example in the above figure, the groupel map has the behavior of representing the clean and mixed parts of the material decomposition by enumerating in alternating segments of the map, the clean and mixed parts for each successive material.


  • Summary: Read a groupel map object from a Silo file

  • C Signature:

    DBgroupelmap *DBGetGroupelmap(DBfile *file, char const *name)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg name



    The Silo database file handle.


    The name of the groupel map object to read.

  • Returned value:

    A pointer to a DBgroupelmap object on success. NULL (0) on failure.


  • Summary: Free memory associated with a groupel map object

  • C Signature:

    void DBFreeGroupelmap(DBgroupelmap *map)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg name



    Pointer to a DBgroupel map object.

  • Returned value:



  • Summary: Option list option for defining variables on specific regions of a mesh

  • C Signature:


    A null-pointer terminated array of pointers to strings specifying the pathnames of regions in the mrg tree for the associated mesh where the variable is defined. If there is no mrg tree associated with the mesh, the names specified here will be assumed to be material names of the material object associated with the mesh. The last pointer in the array must be NULL and is used to indicate the end of the list of names.

    All of Silo’s DBPutXxxvar() calls support the DBOPT_REGION_PNAMES option to specify the variable on only some region(s) of the associated mesh. However, the use of the option has implications regarding the ordering of the values in the vars[] arrays passed into the DBPutXxxvar() functions. This section explains the ordering requirements.

    Ordinarily, when the DBOPT_REGION_PNAMES option is not being used, the order of the values in the vars arrays passed here is considered to be one-to-one with the order of the nodes (for DB_NODECENT centering) or zones (for DB_ZONECENT centering) of the associated mesh. However, when the DBOPT_REGION_PNAMES option is being used, the order of values in the vars[] is determined by other conventions described below.

    If the DBOPT_REGION_PNAMES option references regions in an MRG tree, the ordering is one-to-one with the groupel’s identified in the groupel map segment(s) (of the same groupel type as the variable’s centering) associated with the region(s); all of the segment(s), in order, of the groupel map of the first region, then all of the segment(s) of the groupel map of the second region, and so on. If the set of groupel map segments for the regions specified include the same groupel multiple times, then the vars[] arrays will wind up needing to include the same value, multiple times.

    The preceding ordering convention works because the ordering is explicitly represented by the order in which groupels are identified in the groupel maps. However, if the DBOPT_REGION_PNAMES option references material name(s) in a material object created by a DBPutMaterial() call, then the ordering is not explicitly represented. Instead, it is based on a traversal of the mesh zones restricted to the named material(s). In this case, the ordering convention requires further explanation and is described below.

    For DB_ZONECENT variables, as one traverses the zones of a mesh from the first zone to the last, if a zone contains a material listed in DBOPT_REGION_PNAMES (wholly or partially), that zone is considered in the traversal and placed conceptually in an ordered list of traversed zones. In addition, if the zone contains the material only partially, that zone is also placed conceptually in an ordered list of traversed mixed zones. In this case, the values in the vars[] array must be one-to-one with this traversed zones list. Likewise, the values of the mixvars[] array must be one-to-one with the traversed mixed zones list. However, in the special case that the list of materials specified in DBOPT_REGION_PNAMES is of size one (1), an additional optimization is supported.

    For the special case that the list of materials defined in DBOPT_REGION_PNAMES is of size one (1), the requirement to specify separate values for zones containing the material only partially in the mixvars[] array is removed. In this case, if the mixlen arg is zero (0) in the cooresponding DBPutXXXvar() call, only the vars[] array, which is one-to-one with (all) traversed zones containing the material either cleanly or partially, will be used. The reason this works is that in the single material case, there is only ever one zonal variable value per zone regardless of whether the zone contains the material cleanly or partially. For DB_NODECENT variables, the situation is complicated by the fact that materials are zone-centric but the variable being defined is node-centered.

    So, an additional level of local traversal over a zone’s nodes is required. In this case, as one traverses the zones of a mesh from the first zone to the last, if a zone contains a material listed in DBOPT_REGION_PNAMES (wholly or partially), then that zone’s nodes are traversed according to the ordering specified in the node, edge and face ordering for zoo-type UCD zone shape diagram. On the first encounter of a node, that node is considered in the traversal and placed conceptually in an ordered list of traversed nodes. The values in the vars[] array must be one-to-one with this traversed nodes list. Because we are not aware of any cases of node-centered variables that have mixed material components, there is no analogous traversed mixed nodes list.

    For DBOPT_EDGECENT and DBOPT_FACECENT variables, the traversal is handled similarly. That is, the list of zones for the mesh is traversed and for each zone found to contain one of the materials listed in DBOPT_REGION_PNAMES, the zone’s edge’s (or face’s) are traversed in local order specified in the node, edge and face ordering for zoo-type UCD zone shape diagram.

    For Quad meshes, there is no explicit list of zones (or nodes) comprising the mesh. So, the notion of traversing the zones (or nodes) of a Quad mesh requires further explanation. If the mesh’s nodes (or zones) were to be traversed, which would be the first? Which would be the second? Unless the DBOPT_MAJORORDER option was used, the answer is that the traversal is identical to the standard C programming language storage convention for multi-dimensional arrays often called row-major storage order. That is, was we traverse through the list of nodes (or zones) of a Quad mesh, we encounter first node with logical index [0,0,0], then [0,0,1], then [0,0,2]…[0,1,0]…etc. A traversal of zones would behave similarly. Traversal of edges or faces of a quad mesh would follow the description with DBPutQuadvar.